Our grants are designed to support existing research teams at the level of €25,000 per year with the possibility of a second year funding depending on progress. Because of their modest size, these grants are not designed to support full-fledged research programs. Instead, they are to help research teams begin new projects or extend an existing program until more permanent funding becomes available. Thus, it is essential that applicants explicitly state how the Fondation Santé grant will enhance the research program of their laboratory.

Our paramount selection criterion is the quality of the science, but,  well-funded laboratories are discouraged from applying and we would like to the degree possible support younger investigators.

The grants are highly competitive, with only about 10% of applications being awarded, as dictated by our existing resources.

Submission deadline: September 1, 2024

Investigators who have already received Fondation Santé support in the past are not excluded from applying.

Please note that the ranking of the applications is not publicly announced and we do not provide a written evaluation of the proposals.


Application Guidelines

Please note that these grants are intended to support independent investigators with active research teams.

Proposals should be submitted in a 12 pt font, single-spaced, and should not exceed recommended page limits.

The grant will not support purchase of major equipment or travel costs.

The committee welcomes innovative and ambitious proposals, but applicants should be realistic in their aspirations and focus on proposals that can provide tangible results given the level of funding and the grant’s time frame. This very important factor will be taken into account when the proposals are evaluated.

The possibility of a second year of funding exists, but it will depend strictly upon tangible progress toward the original goals.

Proposal Guidelines

Page limits should be strictly followed.
(Please note that applications that do not adhere to the page limits will not be considered.)

1. Title page
Title of the grant
Project summary (250 words maximum)
Name of Principle Investigator, position, contact information

2. A short CV (no more than two pages)
of the investigator should include the following subsections in this order:
• Educational trajectory up to and including postdoctoral training.
• Independent position (s) as a principal investigator
• Number of trainees: Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows trained thus far
• Current composition (students, postdoctoral fellows, and technicians) of the laboratory
• A 1-2 line description of the major project (s) in the laboratory if distinct from the one described in the current proposal
• Bibliography (not to be counted in the two page limit):
– List of all publications from 2013 onwards
– A PubMed link to the entire bibliography of the investigator

3. Existing funding
Dates of existing grants or other funding sources with titles of the projects and if deemed important, 1-2 sentences describing the scope. Funding levels should also be mentioned.

4. Project description
Specific aims (not to exceed half a page).
• Introduction and significance – A statement of the question, and the background information placing the question in the context of current research including differentiating features (not to exceed one page)
• Research strategy (not to exceed three pages, including diagrams and figures)
• Bibliography (outside the 3 page limit)

5. Budget (one page)
The budget should briefly explain how the requested funds will be allocated (salary, supplies, small equipment, animal costs, etc.). A maximum university overhead allowance of 5% may be included in your budget.

6. Submission
Proposals will be accepted in digital form only, as a single pdf file, and should be e-mailed to Fondation Santé: [proposals@fondationsante.org].

Submission Deadline: Proposals must be submitted by September 1, 2024 and the funding will begin on January 1, 2025.